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SOAS Black History Conference

21 March 2023

During the February half term, Awa who is in Year 13 at Westminster City School's Sixth Form was given an extraordinary opportunity to attend SOAS Black History Conference which focused on celebrating the 35th anniversary of Black history in the UK. The day included a key-note speech, interactive workshops and a campus tour of SOAS.

Awa shared her experience of the day saying:

"It was a great experience and I received  more than I expected! Learning the true story behind Black Panther, Wakanda and King Solomon’s mines, as well as Youth Activism and Ethnicity in the Workplace was both highly interesting and revitalising. 

"During the Youth Activism workshop, we looked at influential figures including Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King and many others.

"As a result of the workshop I learnt that these individuals attended a civil rights school to learn non-violent desegregation strategies which really enhanced my interest and deepend my knowledge. Furthermore, this is where they trained to become inspirational civil rights activists. I found this idea of a civil rights school very intriguing and it has led me to conduct further research into this field.  

"Overall, it was an engaging and exciting day which allowed me to explore important ideas and arguments with other Sixth Formers and world-class academics in an environment that is very different to school.

"I think it has prepared me well for the university experience and I would recommend Westminster City School Sixth Formers to take up opportunities like these."

SOAS University of London is a public research university in London, England, and a member institution of the federal University of London. Founded in 1916, SOAS is located in the Bloomsbury area of central London. SOAS is one of the world's leading institutions for the study of Asia, Africa, and the Middle East.

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