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An insight into Westminster City School's Sixth Form - "Benevolent"

24 March 2023

Being a Sixth Form student at Westminster City School is about so much more than just acquiring knowledge. Studying here prepares young men and women for future study and employment, combining academic excellence with guidance on applying to university and helping students to pursue their passion. We interviewed a number of our students in Year 12 who have shared their experiences of what it is like to study at Westminster City School’s Sixth Form.

Name: Sofia

Former Secondary School: La Retraite Roman Catholic Girls’ School

A Level Subjects: Physics, Computer Science, Maths and Further Maths

Why did you choose to enrol at Westminster City School’s Sixth Form?

I decided to enrol at Westminster City School’s Sixth Form because I was pleased to find out that they offered the A Level subjects I wanted to do, particularly Computer Science. Additionally, I was impressed by the facilities when I visited their open event as I was able to see the different areas of the school and the Sixth Form area which was different to what I was used to at my secondary school.

What are your future plans and aspirations?

After completing my A Levels, my plan is to attend university and pursue a degree in Computer Science or physics as I am extremely interested in Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering. The university that I am interested in attending is Imperial College London.

How did you find the transition from secondary school to Westminster City School’s Sixth Form?

Initially, I found the transition from secondary school to Sixth Form to be quite difficult as the amount of content and workload increased. This was different to what I was familiar with in Years 10 and 11. However, after adjusting to the Sixth Form environment at Westminster City School, I have found the workload to be more manageable and help is always available to students.

What are your impressions of the Sixth Form?

My overall view of the Sixth Form is a positive one. I think it is important and helpful that there is a large amount of support from teachers and other members of staff at Westminster City School. I am certain that prospective students who are looking to join Westminster City School’s Sixth Form will also benefit from the support that is readily available.

Why would you recommend prospective students to join Westminster City School’s Sixth Form?

I would advise prospective students to join Westminster City School’s Sixth Form because of the supportive environment that will allow them to make the necessary progress. I definitely think that it is essential to make the most of having a form tutor, as they are in the position to provide help when needed. As long as you stay motivated when working towards your goal, you will succeed.

What makes Westminster City School’s Sixth Form so special?


The teachers at Westminster City School’s Sixth Form constantly encourage students to do their best in all areas of their academic studies. I believe that the support and enthusiasm from the teachers and staff create a caring environment and make students feel welcomed and safe. 

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