Pupils reading in library

Ofsted information

Westminster City School is a comprehensive school for boys, with a mixed sixth form, located in the heart of Westminster, close to Buckingham Palace, the Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey.

Headteacher: Mr P Broughton
Address: Westminster City School, 55 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HJ
Telephone: 020 7963 6300
Enquiries: Please direct to Ms L Ellens via: enquiries@wcsch.com
Chair of Governing Body: Mr William Wells MA MBA, c/o The United Westminster and Grey Coat Foundation, The Pouchot Building, 57 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HJ
SENCO: Please contact Ms C McDonald via: c.mcdonald@wcsch.com
Foundation: The United Westminster and Grey Coat Foundation, The Pouchot Building, 57 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HJ and telephone: 020 7828 3055
Registration: Westminster City School is a Company Limited by Guarantee (England and Wales), registration number 08100409.  The registered address is 57 Palace Street, London, England, SW1E 5HJ

Our values and ethos
Further information about our School values and Christian ethos can be found here.

Our admissions process
Further information about how to apply to Westminster City School for Year 7 entry is available here.
Further information about how to apply to Westminster City School's Sixth Form is available here.
Our admissions policies are available here and at the end of this page.
We offer a number of open days that enable prospective students and their parents/carers to find out more. Further information is available here.
Our charging and remissions policy can be found at the end of this page.

Our Ofsted report
Our recent Ofsted report can be found at the end of this page. Other reports can be found here.

Our exam results
Our most recent available exam results can be found here.
The destinations of our most recent sixth formers can be found here.

Our curriculum
Further information about our curriculum, for all key stages, can be found here.

Our remote education
During the COVID-19 pandemic, we offered high-quality remote learning. Our Remote Learning Policy can be found at the end of this page.

Our summer school
Information about our summer school can be found here.

Behaviour Policy
Our Behaviour Policy can be found at the end of this page.

Relationships and Sex Education
Our Relationships and Sex Education Policy can be found at the end of this page.

Pupil premium
Further information about our pupil premium can be found at the end of this page.

Equality objectives
Our Equality and Diversity Policy can be found at the end of this page.
Our Anti-Bullying and Harassment Policy can be found at the end of this page.

Increasing the extent to which pupils with disabilities can participate in the curriculum and improving the delivery to pupils with disabilities of information that is readily accessible to pupils without disabilities are covered by the SEND Policy and SEND advice to parents/carers.

Ways to further improve the school's physical environment to increase the extent to which pupils can take advantage of the education, benefits, facilities and services we provide are currently under review. 

Special educational needs 
Further information about our special education needs arrangements and information can be found here and at the end of this page.

Careers programme
Our Careers Strategy and Policy can be found here.
Further information about our careers programme arrangements and information can be found here.

Complaints Policy
Our Complaints Policy can be found at the end of this page.

Annual reports and accounts
Further information about our annual reports and accounts can be found here.

Our governors
Further information about our governors can be found here.



Page Downloads Date  
Remote learning policy (autumn 2020) 15th Oct 2020 Download
WCS Whistleblowing Policy 11th Feb 2021 Download
Pupil premium 2019-20 01st Sep 2021 Download
Pupil Premium 2020-21 23rd Nov 2021 Download
Relationship and sex education policy 01st Sep 2021 Download
Equalities Information and Objectives Summer 2023 Final 11th Oct 2023 Download
Behaviour Policy and Code of Conduct 2023 14th Nov 2023 Download
Sixth Form Admissions Policy 2023-2024 27th Sep 2023 Download
Year 7 Admissions Policy 2023-2024 27th Sep 2023 Download
Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy 2023-2024 15th Nov 2023 Download
Complaints Resolution Procedure 20th Mar 2024 Download
Ofsted Date  
Ofsted Report 2022 11th Oct 2022 Download
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