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Alumnus of the Month
Collin Oladimeji is our Westminster City School Alumnus of the Month. Collin left Westminster City School in 2010 and now works as a Software Engineer at a Financial Services Company.
Please tell us a little about yourself – where do you work and how did you get to this role?
I’m currently a few months into a new role as a Software Engineer at a Financial Services Company, following on from leaving Bank of America after four and a half years. I was headhunted for this role by a recruiter, for my technology skillset.
What are some of your proudest achievements since leaving Westminster City School?
One achievement I am especially proud of is graduating with a First-Class Master’s in Engineering MEng (Hons), in Electronic and Computer Engineering, from the University of Nottingham.
As part of this, I received the Nottingham Society of Engineers Engineering Graduate Award, which is presented to the final year engineering student in the faculty with the highest individual project mark, combined with an oral presentation mark of over 80%. The intention of the award is to give recognition to engineering students who are able communicators.
What advice would you give someone looking to follow a similar career path?
Studying Electronic and Computer Engineering at university gave me the opportunity to head in several directions following graduation. My advice to anyone would be to study a combination of subjects at university, as this would allow for the flexibility that I appreciated having when leaving university.
It’s also important to be aware of the fact that studying a degree in a certain area doesn’t mean that one has to focus on that area for their entire career. Especially in the technology sector, there is a lot of flexibility to move around within technologies, and a plethora of training courses to facilitate this.
How have your experiences at Westminster City School contributed to your life and successes since leaving school?
Westminster City School provided me with the foundation I needed to go ahead and achieve all that I have achieved throughout the years. The school allowed me to explore a range of subjects, and eventually go on to focus on the ones that I enjoyed the most (mainly maths and ICT), in college and university. Attending the school also provided me with an amazing group of friends, some of whom I’m still in contact with to this day.
Can you describe one of your fondest memories from your time at Westminster City School?
A particularly fond memory of mine goes back to 2009, when I won a quiz in a Geography lesson. The prize for this was a mug, which I treasure greatly and make use of almost every day! I also really enjoyed attending the Celebration of Achievement Evening which I was invited to.
What’s next?
In addition to settling into my new job, I’ve recently started an aerial photography hobby and intend to pursue this further, to see where it takes me.