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A special visit from David Dein MBE
On Thursday 19 January, international football ambassador and former co-owner and vice-chairman of Arsenal Football Club, David Dein MBE, visited Westminster City School to deliver a presentation on how the premiere league was created.
Additionally, David left students with some thought provoking questions and messages about how to be business minded and win at life now in their younger years, and in the future.
As part of the presentation delivered by David Dein MBE, students in Years 11 and 12 were reminded about the importance of being the best they can be, whichever pathway they choose in life, the key is to be the best at it. The room was filled with laughter on occasions where David gave various football illustrations highlighting the importance of hard work and determination.
Westminster City School students were left with five key points about how to be successful as they approach their exams, particularly Year 11 students with there GCSEs only weeks away. David emphasised the importance of having a vision and the courage needed to accomplish and win in life.
Commenting on his visit to Westminster City School, David Dein MBE said:
“Visiting Westminster City School was a delight as the students were fully engaged, polite and asked searching questions. They have a bright future ahead of them.”
Year 12 student Rebecca, who had the opportunity to meet and greet David on arrival and speak to him about her future aspirations said:
“It was really nice to have the opportunity to speak to David Dein MBE who has so much experience in life, definitely a lot to learn from him.”
“When he delivered his presentation, the quote that really stood out to me was the one about not waiting for the storm to pass in life but learning how to dance in the rain.
Headteacher, Peter Broughton commented saying:
“I am pleased that we were able to welcome David Dein MBE to Westminster City School. He spoke inspirationally, gave great advice to all our Year 11 and 12 students about the importance of education and offered some superb tips about how to prepare for university and job interviews.”