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'Music Makes Me' at the Royal Albert Hall

29 June 2023

Westminster City School Choir took part in a multi-school performance called ‘Music Makes Me’ at the Royal Albert Hall on Tuesday 27 June which involved over 1,100 children across the Tri-borough.

This featured mainstream schools, but also included SEND and alternative provision institutions as this project and its songs were heavily themed on the power of music and inclusivity.

Aman, who is in Year 9 at Westminster City School said:

“It was a fun experience!

“There were so many people taking part. It was nice to be surrounded by others who like to perform. Some songs incorporated Makaton, so it was great to learn how to do that whilst singing.”

Chaviv, who is in Year 10 at Westminster City School added:

“This was my first experience at the Royal Albert Hall. I didn't realise how large it was. It has over 10 entry doors! I would definitely do it again. Definitely long lasting memories.”

Mr Cecile, Subject Leader of Music at Westminster City School said:

“Any opportunity at the Royal Albert Hall is a real privilege and especially one like this which encourages our young people to be inclusive, open-minded and supportive. They inspired me with their enthusiasm and energy and some even made a few friends during the breaks. It was really uplifting seeing our singers enjoy themselves in such an iconic venue.”

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