Wcb 006

Report an absence

We expect pupils and students to be at Westminster City School, on time, every day, ie by 8.45am. If this is not possible due to illness, then please contact our School Office by telephone: 020 7963 6300 before 9am.

If your child is absent, as well as ensuring that you contact our School Office by telephone before 9am, you must also ensure that your child brings a letter of explanation on the day that she/he returns.

If she/he is likely to be absent for a number of days, please send in a doctor's certificate or letter indicating the probable length of absence, as well as a note on the day that she/he returns.

Please arrange dental and hospital appointments outside of normal school hours. If this is not possible, then contact us well in advance to request a leave of absence. Please obtain a medical note or certificate to cover the absence and ask your child to show it to our reception staff.

Unauthorised absence from school will trigger an automated response by text/email on the first day of absence from school. After that we may contact you by telephone or by letter.

Holiday during term time

There is no automatic entitlement, in law, to time off during school time to go on holiday. Any unauthorised holidays will be reported to the appropriate authorities and may result in a fixed-term penalty fine being issued.

Taking holidays in term time will affect your child’s schooling as much as any other absence, so we expect parents/carers not take young people on holiday during school time. Remember: any savings you think you may make, by taking a holiday in school time, are offset by the cost to your child’s education.



Poor punctuality is not acceptable. If your child misses the start of the day, they are likely to miss important communications from their form tutor, plus schoolwork from any lessons missed. Late arriving pupils also disrupt registration, assembly and lessons. Ultimately this can be embarrassing for the pupil concerned and can also encourage absence. A positive attitude towards punctuality is essential if a pupil or student is to develop a positive working ethos in later life.

We expect all pupils and students to be in school at 8.45am, every school day.

Report an absence

Report an absence
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